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Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

Mariam Adeboye, Yearbook Staff

–   Grade 11 with 1 year of experience.

I’m Mariam Adeboye, with a love for cooking baking and an obsession with Grey’s Anatomy. I’m actively involved in HOPE Squad and STUCO, where I enjoy making a difference in my school and community.

All content by Mariam Adeboye
Courtesy of Google Images

“Inappropriate” Education

Mariam Adeboye, Yearbook Staff
April 10, 2023

“I so wish we had a sex-ed class at Lake Ridge, because some of these kids are gonna go out into the real world without knowing everything that they should know beforehand, and that could cause serious...

Photo of Martin Luther King Jr. giving his famous "I have a Dream" speech (Black & White). Photo courtesy of Rowland Scherman and the National Archives and Records Administration.

Hidden Figures

Mariam Adeboye, Yearbook Staff
February 28, 2023

Malcolm X. Harriet Tubman. MLK. Muhammad Ali. Maya Angelou. Rosa Parks. All figures in black history shook society in their own way. With the world changing every day, the way people of color are impacting...

Students will now randomly have their backpacks searched in order to provide another layer of safety.

[Photo] Search 'Em

February 10, 2023

Students will now randomly have their backpacks searched in order to provide another layer of safety.

Students will now randomly have their backpacks searched in order to provide another layer of safety.

Search ‘Em

Mariam Adeboye, Yearbook Staff
February 10, 2023

On December 14, 2012, 20-year-old Adam Lanza shot and killed 26 people at Sandy Hook Elementary. Of the 26 people murdered, twenty were children 7 years old or younger. According to Britannica, a research...

"Girl Up" decorates boxes for donations

“Girl Up” Feminine Hygiene Drive

Mariam Adeboye, Yearbook Staff
February 10, 2023

 Menstrual poverty is a term used to describe the growing population of women and girls without access to menstrual products. It also includes not being able to afford sanitary products or having to make...

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