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Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

 The two candidates

What They Believe and Why

Sydney Ferguson, ENN Staff November 7, 2018

At some level, politics have always been taught in school. From the cotton ball beard you glued to Abraham Lincoln’s picture in third grade to the complex levels of government you began to learn about...

Building their Teams

Building their Teams

Audrey Byrne, ENN Staff November 7, 2018

Growing up, usually around the age of six or seven, children first discover an interest they may have in sports. Soon after, they get signed up by their parents, put into little leagues where they play...

A teacher at Lake Ridge High School lectures her class, asking them to go onto Canvas to work on an assignment.

Compensation for Education

Connor Thompson, ENN Staff November 7, 2018

It's 2:55 PM, and the bell rings throughout the school. Students rush out the front door, ready to begin their after-school activities. Teachers begin to pack up their things and straighten up their classrooms....

Beto O'Rourke on the campaign trail.

Opinion: Vote Beto!

Margo Eugenio, Editor-In-Chief November 6, 2018

As United States citizens it is our duty to vote, our responsibility to decide our future, it is an obligation to determine who will best listen to our voices and decide to act in our favor, not for the...

Ted Cruz on the campaign trail.

Opinion: Vote Cruz!

Ethan Vu, ENN Staff November 6, 2018

Republican Ted Cruz once stated, “The power of the American people, when we rise up and stand for liberty, knows no bounds.” On November 6, 2018 voters will have two choices whether to vote the moving...

Kavanaugh vs. Ford; Did the Judicial System Work?

Kavanaugh vs. Ford; Did the Judicial System Work?

Zoey Minor, ENN Special Contributor November 2, 2018

The #MeToo movement has encouraged women nationwide to speak up about their sexual assault, but was recently put to the test in the infamous Brett Kavanaugh Case. Essentially, psychology Professor...

Photo Credit: Bryant Daniels

Candy Comes with a Cost

October 31, 2018

Trick or treat, give me something good to eat. One of America's most celebrated holidays, Halloween, is just around the corner. According to, the average American consumes over 24 pounds of candy...

What are your favorite teachers afraid of? (Quiz)

What are your favorite teachers afraid of? (Quiz)

October 30, 2018

[playbuzz-item item="32874ffd-80bb-4d83-b25f-1d63f780e95a" wp-pb-id="25236"]      

Courtesy of Google Images

Did I Remember that Correctly?

Kennedi Roman, ENN Staff October 30, 2018

In Snow White did the evil queen say "mirror, mirror on the wall" or "magic mirror on the wall?" Did Mickey Mouse have suspender or not? Most will say yes I do remember Mickey Mouse with suspenders, but...

Courtesy of Google Images

Día de los Muertos

October 30, 2018

Día de los muertos es una fiesta celebrada en Noviembre primero y segundo. ¿Tu no comprendes? Day of the Dead is a holiday celebrated on November first and second primarily by Spanish cultures. It is...

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