New Season of Apex Legends Impresses Students
A new season of Apex legends released Feb. 4. It got popular very quickly with people in and out of Danny Jones MS.
Seventh-grader Myla Huynh said she hasn’t got to play recently.
“I am only allowed to play on weekends in order to keep good grades, I still like the new season from what I’ve seen,” Huynh said.
Eighth-grader Ethan Le said he enjoyed playing the new season of Apex. He is also really good at the game with 10 wins already this season. He has spent a lot of money on the game and just enjoys playing Apex legends.
“I am the GOAT at Apex,” he said.
Eighth-grader Kamryn Wallace’s favorite skin is still Mirage. He’s also been playing since season one.
“The new season is okay, but it’s not as good as it used to be,” he said.
Eighth-grade Dallys Paige said he enjoys the new season, the new cosmetics, map changes, landing spots and more.
“I think Apex Legends season four was over-hyped. It had a few changes” Paige said.
Paige plays Apex everyday for two to three hours a day.
“I average one win a day.” Paige said.