Theatre Students Perform Legally Blonde Jr.

Students recite lines with Theatre teacher Alfredo Tamayo

As the cast for Danny Jones’ production of Legally Blonde Jr. took the stage Feb 21 and 22, the audience only saw the final product. What they didn’t see was the hours and hours of practice, memorization and hard work.

Theatre teacher Alfredo Tamayo directed the musical. He spent countless weeks working on it.

“I work literally all the time,” he said. “I have fourth and sixth period off, where I’m most likely doing something for the musical, and when I get home I go over the script.”

Seventh-grader Alex Shellenberger was part of the tech crew and momentarily made an appearance on stage holding a flag.

“I feel good about my role, but nervous sometimes,” Shellenberger said. “If you don’t get your props out on time you would have to fix them quickly and at the right moment so the play goes on.”

Eighth-grader Mya Dorm played a frat boy and Enid Hoops, a law student in the musical. Mya said it takes a lot of practice and time to memorize all the choreography and music.

“It took quite a while to memorize all the music,” Dorm said. “I’m talking about three hours a day. We stay and practice choreography after school for about two hours everyday on top of memorizing lines at home.”

Dorm said she had a lot of fun with Legally Blond Jr., but being in the musical took some physical and mental tolls on her.

“I miss going home on time everyday and with all those lights pointing at you all the time it’s really hot and tiring,” she said.

A lot of work goes into musicals the audience doesn’t see.

“It was hot and exhausting,” the character Enid Hoops says in the musical. “But I loved every minute of it.”