Football Players, Coaches , Play With New Restrictions

Hudson Edwards

Football coach Shawn Alsup talks with one of his players during a game Oct. 13. Players and coaches have to wear masks during a game.

During the new season football players are not just playing through the pain, but also playing through new safety procedures to strive and get better. 

On the sidelines, players must keep 6 feet apart from each other. They also struggle with new mask procedures after hard and tough drills during practice.

Coaches need social distance from students and it is hard for them to coach because they want to be able to help their players. 

Kyle Ellisor, a coach for the seventh-grade football team, said that it will be difficult for the kids but he is confident in his players and feel they will fight through it and do their best.

“Coaches like to be hands on at times and try to physically get the players in the right spot,” Ellisor said. “We have to catch ourselves as we move forward.”

David Sawyer, football coach and athletic director for Danny Jones, said reducing the procedures isn’t exactly what he wants, though he feels some procedures are over the top.

“We still need to be safe, and it is up to the people that want to play to follow the procedures,” he said. 

The new procedures that football players follow are making it harder for them to learn and understand the game. 

Seventh-grader Colby Huston said coaches not being able to demonstrate drills is making it harder for them to understand the game.

“Coaches are unable to be hands on with us so it makes things a bit harder,” he said.

Eighth-grader Darryl Hall said he doesn’t know what to expect with the new season. It’s difficult for everybody because of the pandemic and not knowing if the school will go back to all virtual classes.

 “The most important thing everyone can do is stay positive, social distance yourself as best you can, and self-isolate if you need to,” he said.

Some players are having a hard time with social distancing and keeping their masks on because they are not quite comfortable with it. 

Seventh-grader Issac Pena said he believes that his teammates are can follow the procedures well and will continue to do so. 

‘’My teammates and I are perfectly fine with the new procedures and will be perfectly safe.’’ he said.