New Cafeteria Rules Hinder Student Communication
Students are frustrated with new lunch procedures this year in the Danny Jones cafeteria.
Plexiglass screens divide tables and students have assigned seats.
Eighth-grader Jasmine Ruiz said that she doesn’t like that she can’t sit by her friends.
“They keep us safe but keep us at a disadvantage as well,” she said.
Seventh-grader Trent Chisholm believes the plexiglass is very annoying.
“It’s like playing a game you don’t want to play,” he said. “We mouth our words because no one can hear you. It’s ridiculous.”
Recently students have been able to eat outside during lunch at least two times a week.
“I like how we can go outside during lunch because it can get boring sitting next to people with Plexiglass where you can’t hear people,” eighth-grader Chase Williams said.
Williams also said that it’s nice getting to go outside and not have a divider between him and another student while eating.
“I like going outside because I like being able to talk to my friends without the glass getting in my face,’’ he said.