Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

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Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

Deck the Halls


Homecoming has it all, from mums and garters to the football game. And new this year the hallways will be decorated. That’s right the hallways will be decorated in honor of homecoming week.

This year Lake Ridge will be decorating the hallways making it the first time the school will be doing this in its history. This idea was brought up by the Dance/Drill team instructor Amie Harris. Harris found decorating the hallways would be a great way to show school spirit. “I know that students love competition, so whatever class did the best get bragging rights,” said Harris.

Math teacher Sharon Zabloski is in charge of the Juniors and their hall. Zabloski is not the only teacher in the math department decorating many teachers will be at the school on the weekend helping with the halls . Zabloski is hoping that decorating the halls will help show school spirit  for the Juniors, “It shows a sense of community and togetherness,” said Zabloski.

Harris wants the halls to be decorated a certain way. Harris has a core subject and a class together to plan out how they will be decorating. Decorating the halls will be organized a certain way, “Seniors and Science teachers and class leader or department head were given very specific instructions then would meet up with the students and would organize and plan how to decorate their hallway,” said Harris.

Students views decorating the halls differently than teachers. Junior Ian Martinez sees decorating the halls will show more school spirit and seeing the posters will help students feel more involved. Each class shows their own amount of pride in the school. Martinez is hoping the Juniors will show more spirit, “It will let students be aware and help them be more involved,” said Martinez.

Decorating the halls will benefit Lake Ridge. It will help students show more school spirit. Zabloski wants a lot of her students to help with the hallways and is hoping students will show up to help decorate. Zabloski talked to the Junior class, “The students are pretty confident that we will get a pretty good amount of people to help.”

Harris moved here in 2014 and she brought some unique ideas from her old school with her. Harris used this as a fun way to get students more active with the school, “We did this at a previous school I was at and it was a really big thing all the kids got involved with,” said Harris.

Teachers not only try to teach students their subject they also teach students how to be have pride in where they came from. Zabloski is participating in decorating the halls so students can show how they can make a difference.”It’s a good opportunity to show interest and get everybody involved in supporting the school,” said Zabloski.

Lake Ridge is trying something new, a new tradition. Decorating the halls might even get more kids so show pride from where the came from. Lake Ridge students need more interest in the school, decorating the halls will help with that.