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Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

Ripped jeans, colored hair allowed for 2018-2019 school year

Students at Danny Jones Middle School can now wear ripped jeans to class. Students in previous years could be sent to the office for dress code violation last year for similar clothing. Photo by Kayley Sinor and Hannah Van

Story by Madison Brooks & Kayley Sinor

Mansfield Independent School District changed the dress code for the 2018-2019 school year following a meeting over the summer.


Administration dress coded roughly 100 students last year according to Michele Drake, Danny Jones assistant principal.


“I think there are less teachers getting on to students,” Drake said.


Some of the changes made in the dress code included ripped jeans and that shorts or skirts must reach the student’s fingertip length.


“The dress code is a lot less strict than last year,” eighth-grader Reagan Purrington said.


According to Drake, the biggest change in the dress code this year was the ripped jeans.


“We could see holes in the jeans last year but we just kind of let it slide, but this year the ripped jeans are actually in dress code,” Drake said.


Unnaturally colored hair is also now acceptable as long as it’s not distracting, according to Drake.


This change is also a transition for the incoming seventh graders who are new to Danny Jones.


“The administration at Mary Lillard did not allow ripped jeans unless you had leggings or tights under them,” seventh-grader Ashtyn Lounnarath said.