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Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

Homecoming Jeans Make a Comeback

The homecoming jeans are hand-painted with school colors and different embellishments.

Although it is only early September, Homecoming is just around the corner, much to the dismay of many staff and students. Due to unbeknownst reasons, HoCo dates have been bumped much earlier, pushing the rest of the district to adjust. Despite this, many classic homecoming traditions remain, such as homecoming jeans. 

Originally known as senior jeans, these became popular in the 90s and were more popular as a college tradition. Over the years, they became generalized as homecoming jeans, allowing all grades to participate. Senior Jaylene Nyarko painted her jeans because she wanted to show her school spirit for her last year of high school. 

“Throughout all years of high school I’ve never really participated in spirit days or making mums and other things like that, but since it’s my senior year I decided I should go all out. I don’t want to look back and regret not participating in any of the school traditions because I was lazy or scared of looking corny,” explained Nyarko.

Since the jeans are a relatively new tradition, many teachers did not wear or make them when they were in high school. However, that doesn’t stop them from admiring the artistic ability of students. Spanish teacher Ivonne Want wishes they were a trend when she was still a student herself. 

“I don’t think they existed when I was [a younger] age. I don’t remember ever seeing those. I would’ve made some, it looks like so much fun. I think the jeans are a good idea because they build school spirit,” said Want. 

Another popular tradition for homecoming is mums. A special Texan tradition, mums can range anywhere from $100 to $700. The jeans are a great way to stay in the loop without having to drop hundreds of dollars for something students are going to wear maybe once. The jeans are also a great alternative for people who simply don’t have time to make a mum, nor want to. Senior Emelie Sarpong likes the jeans better because they’re easier and faster to make. 

“Due to having a job and taking hard classes I just didn’t have the time to make a mum, and I did not want to buy one. I went to a thrift store to get jeans because I didn’t want to paint on new ones. It took me about an hour to finish my jeans and I loved the way it turned out. I also made them with friends so it made the process way more fun,” stated Sarpong.

The jeans contain elements such as a student’s graduating class, the school mascot, and other decorations the students might want to incorporate. Paint, iron ons, and even glitter are a staple for these jeans. Some people even go as far to include fur on their jeans. Senior Nia Ngwanah says her jeans are more on the crazy side.

“When it comes to homecoming I believe in go big or go home so I definitely want to go all out, especially for my senior year. My jeans have this green fur on them and then I put my name and hand prints on my pockets. People might think I’m doing too much, but these jeans will be something that I look back on and make me reminisce about high school,” said Ngwanah. 

Just like mums, it appears that homecoming jeans are here to stay. This trend isn’t limited to specific kinds of denim, or other clothing, with people making homecoming jumpsuits, shorts, and shirts as well. Overall, the point is about showing school spirit and cheering on the football team. The general consensus seems to be that it doesn’t matter what’s on these articles of clothing, but what it means to the people wearing them. 

About the Contributor
Gracian Sieni
Gracian Sieni, ENN Staff