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Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

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Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

No Fear, EVOLV’S Here

Courtesy of Precious Nwokolo.

A place to teach and be taught, socialize with each other, and create a safe space is a large part of what school was established for. However, with recent events and laws, such as school shooting there has been increasing concerns between students and staff. 

In response to the safety of everyone in school, school districts, like MISD, have developed means of protecting everyone  using high technology. Officer Robert explains how security has made progress in school with the help of the new technology, parents, and the safety team, even with the bizarre things that are happening in the world today.

“There has been progress in making the school as safe as possible. A lot of incidents have happened around the world, and people are more aware of it because of social media,” Robert said. “Parents are advocating for better security, they wanted a way that we could ensure that kids weren’t bringing anything dangerous and keep all other kids safe. So that’s kind of where the Evolv weapon detector comes in. We have the safety assessment team that students might not be aware of, but that’s what we’ve added on. We have people walking the halls, checking doors, and so they’re ensuring that our doors are secure from the outside.”

Students may consider school a safe space to be themselves either because of their peers, involvements, or the staff they have developed a connection with. Despite the school shootings that might affect this temporal sanctuary, they know that they are guarded by quality security. Avery de Carion, a junior, describes some kind of security method that can continue to maintain tranquility in school for students.

“Whenever I think of a good security that can maintain everyone’s safety at school, I think of metal detectors, more police around campus,” de Carion said. “And The frequent use of drug dogs and backpack searching using a scanner and CCTV cameras.”

The state laws and the use of technology for harm have been a factor that has led to the production of more safety regulations. With intense protection tools that have been provided by districts to all schools, AP English Language and English IV teacher, Lisa Bonner feels there might be an increase in security considering today’s world.

“Based on the gun shooting that happened at Timberview during the last school year I think the security will increase. Like the Evolv system, I’m sure that will be permanent,” Bonner said. “It’ll probably get to the point where we have a police officer in every hallway. It’s not going to reduce because we have no gun control.”

Although the tools in school were made for the safety of everyone, some students don’t appreciate the idea of having too much security in one place. They are concerned about having the freedom they were used to and can’t help but compare this to jail. World Geography teacher Jordan Brimbery explains why and how the students could adapt to it, especially when it’s for their own interest.

“At first, the student would be nervous about it, but they can always compare these safety measures to traveling with a flight. You have to go through metal detectors and a whole security checkpoint at the airport. Most government buildings that you go to like courthouses, just official government places, also have metal detectors that you have to go through” Brimbery said. “It doesn’t make people feel like it’s a jail or anything. So eventually the students will get used to it and while they might think it’s strange and don’t like it at first, it’s in their best interest.”

New changes come with a slow adjustment, especially in school. The new additional security has altered some changes in the punctuality of students as they get to their first-period classes.  Assistant Principal, Derek Odelusi explained how the Evolv system might a while for students to get used to.

“It’s just going to take us time to get with it. There will be some students who are coming in at 7:25 because that was when they finally get a chance to walk through the vault system to get scanned,” Odelusi said. “While there will be others already in there chilling. You kind of have to figure out who’s here because they just got here and who’s here just as an excuse to try to hang around. So we just walk around patrol and figure out which students you need to remind to get to class on time.”

About the Contributor
Precious Nwokolo
Precious Nwokolo, ENN Staff