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Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

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Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

Underrated Or Not?

Credit to ENN Staff
Credit to ENN Staff

Golf is a time consuming sport and equally as important as any other sport. Standing there on the field, hoping that they can win the game, thinking about all the time they spent practicing during and outside of school. Many golf players work hard and spend a lot of time working on their techniques hoping they can advance in their competition and even continue this sport after their high school life.

Many individuals that don’t have the same passion for gold as others don’t feel that it is a sport and don’t enjoy golf. While you can see results from those who do express a passion for Golf. Astronomy teacher and Boys Golf Coach Cody Cawvey feels that a good chunk of the Boy’s Golf team devote.

“So we practice, required, everyday for two and a half-three hours, but most of them are playing four or five hours every weekend and probably practicing another hour or two on top of that. The top six seven guys, you know? Some kids are limiting how much they practice and only practice when we practice, but let’s say in general we’re putting in twelve to fifteen hours and the better players are putting in another fifteen hours on their own,” said Cawvey. 

Sportsmanship and relationships are a huge part of any sports team. Being able to have good relationships with fellow teammates can create a good energy and environment for everyone when practicing and during a game as well. Senior Drew Nava feels that the smaller the team, the better.

“I think me and all my teammates like it, it’s a really good environment. How competitive it is,it’s just a very fun sport. It has a smaller team, it’s not as big as football; I think being part of a team just learns how to work together better and better teamwork,” said Nava.

Golf is perceived differently from the eyes of watchers, players, and coaches. Golf is also compared to other popular and well known sports. Astronomy teacher and Girls Golf Coach Jennifer Faulkner feels that experiencing a win strengthens the passion of an athlete.

“People think that it’s an individual sport; you get to contribute to a team and it’s kind of all you know, your performance is based on what you do. So for example, in volleyball, you can’t help it if a kid, you know, ball ricochets off their arm and goes into the stands. And like on that team, you can’t help that. It’s so reactionary, but here you’re in control of how well you do, how much you practice. And you can really continue to contribute to something bigger than yourself and get to represent Lake Ridge. As you know, we’ve had girls represent Lake Ridge at state, and definitely a lot represent Lake Ridge at regionals, and I think once they understand kind of the meaning behind that, I think that’s what’s really fun for them,” said Faulkner.

Being passionate about a sport means that an athlete will be committed to the sport as much as possible. There are both negative and positive sides to golf. Sophomore Emilio Pérez feels that there are many good qualities that come with being a golf player.

“I enjoy it a lot. I do it every day, twice a day. It’s just an addiction. Favorite memories are going to be just being successful like winning tournaments, hitting great shots, just having fun on the golf course,”said Pérez. “It’s really just a tough mental sport; just being nervous. You just have to fight the nerves when you can.”

About the Contributor
Amber Abrego
Amber Abrego, ENN Staff