Behind The Scenes: Yearbook Edition
Emma Wolfe works on her spread at the yearbook work night.
The Lake Ridge yearbook staff put in a lot of time and effort to make sure you get your yearbook before the school year is over. Designing layouts, interviewing, writing stories and taking pictures requires dedication and passion. The staff has mandatory work nights to help ease the stress and provide a time for them to get their responsibilities done.
Ms. Womack, yearbook teacher, has carried the work night ideas with her from her old job at Saginaw High School.
“I would always have the mandatory work nights on Monday’s because it is the one time we are able to all get together and get what we need to done and work harder to meet our deadlines,” said Womack.
Rekhia Bednard, senior, is the editor of the 2016-2017 yearbook. Her job goes beyond attending work nights and even started in the summer before the school year.
“We’re here all the time in the summer and we work with our advisors to make sure everything is ready that way when school starts, we can start assigning spreads and assignments,” Bernard said.
Getting the spreads done, however, is a difficult process which requires the work nights. Along with finishing the tasks, they also have some fun according to sophomore Karrington Hasty.
“We eat and play around for a little bit, but we make sure to get our work done. I like how we are able to come together as a yearbook staff and have fun and act crazy,” said Hasty.
Emma Wolfe, junior, finds the work nights beneficial.
“The time we have in class isn’t enough time to get everything done, so the work nights are very helpful because I’m able to finish my spreads on time,” said Wolfe.
Bernard dedicates a lot of her time into making this yearbook, all made by the students of the high school.
“We actually make this. Every word that is in the book is typed by students. Our work and my work are not going to be perfect, but we did not slap this together and we work really hard so it’s not fair when we get criticism of our work,” Bernard said.