This past weekend, a portion of the Lake Ridge band took a trip far beyond the band hall that they thrive in. Flying to the seaside city of seafood and landmarks, students embarked on quite the elaborate field trip. Traveling over three and a half hours to their destination, the band had remarkable things awaiting their arrival in Boston, Massachusetts.
The beautiful city welcomed band members as they roamed. Not only did they stop fantastic restaurants, but also historical sights that provided an educational and memorable scene. Alex Castellanos, sophomore, attended the trip to Boston, and enjoyed one of the most famous landmarks within the city.
“On the third day, we got to visit Lexington and Concord, and we had a guided walking tour. We saw the revolutionary battle spots, and it was really cool to see. Other than that, the food on the trip was so good, and we ate a lot of seafood while we were there because we were on the ocean,” said Castellanos.
Other than the elaborate photos and memories that resulted from the trip, students benefitted from this journey in ways far beyond what meets the eye. Sophomore, Denae Jaksik, feels that the trip will serve her well in the near future, as she enters her history class next year.

“Being able to see how our country came to be while also laughing with my friends made the trip a great experience. Next year, I am taking AP United States history, and I think it will make the trip much easier next year. The trip created a foundation for my learning as a junior,” said Jaksik.
Effective collaboration between any group of people is required to achieve nearly anything. Yet, the members of an organization must first create positive relationships in order to meet this ideal cooperation. While in Boston, the band had the opportunity to create memories and interact with one another in a way that they never had within Lake Ridge. Lane Hensley, sophomore, explains that the trip to Boston brought together band members in the best way possible.
“As for bringing any of my classmates closer together, I think spending any time together outside of school, without having the stress of school or band on, helps us to establish a stronger bond between us. This helps the band program in that having a stronger bonding between members of the band will help us work together more effectively in order to achieve any goals that we set our sights on,” said Hensley.
Being in a place far from Mansfield with people you see everyday makes for interesting interaction. The weight of assignments being due, music to memorize, and deadlines to adhere to, make the environment where students exist within often trying. But by stepping outside of Lake Ridge’s academic boundaries, band members were able to see a new side of each other, and truly enjoy one another’s company. Experiences such as the band’s educational and action-packed trip to Boston will hold a place in student’s minds not only as an enjoyable time with others, but an example of our nation’s history.