Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

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Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

New Year New Dress Code


The days of dodging AP’s may soon be over as students are greeted with a new, some say more chill dress code for the school year. Along with blankets, sunglasses (unless provided by the nurse) hoodies, du-rags, and visors are prohibited.  Students are also only allowed to have one visible face piercing with the exception of earrings. To some it may seem pointless to not allow some of those accessories in school, but junior, Nick Grenier, thinks its a matter of safety.

“I honestly don’t think the school is trying to stop us from being stylish. If the AP’s or somebody had to find a student using the cameras, it’d be pretty hard to find them if they were covered up with a hoodie and sunglasses. School safety is a pretty big deal now-a-days so this just seems like apart of that. Plus school isn’t the most ideal place to come all stylish or cozy,” said Grenier.

With style and coziness being so important at school, what do students do in order to come to school comfy or stylish? Considering that avoiding APs can only work for so long, is coming to school in what you want to wear worth the trouble? Senior, Aryanna Gomez thinks it isn’t.

“I usually come to school in a t-shirt and jeans, but that’s mostly because the senioritis is starting to set in. That’s mainly what I consider to be comfy. The whole coming to school in pajamas is kinda gross if you think about it. But these new rules…thank you Jesus because now I can wear ripped jeans without fear. If people still want more leniency they need to chill and be thankful for what we have already,” said Gomez.

On the contrary, students are now allowed to wear jeans with holes or tears in them as long as the holes are below fingertip length. As always, dresses, shorts, and skirts are allowed, but clothes like yoga pants or jeggings can only be worn if they are worn under clothes that are at least finger tip long. Although, the rule regarding shorts and yoga pants isn’t new, students like junior, Eden Chen, have changed the way they come dressed to school after being reminded about the rules.

A student enjoying the dress code revisions.

“I’m a junior this year and I wore shorts to school for the first time yesterday. I knew we were allowed to wear shorts, but I didn’t want to take the risk of being dress coded. I also got my first pair of jeans with rips in them so I’ll definitely be wearing those this year,” said Chen.

Now, the dress code rules affect boys and girls in different ways. For girls, this might mean not wearing certain dresses, shirts, or shorts. For some boys, it might not even effect them at all. Students like senior, Genesis Melendez believe that this isn’t exactly fair.

“I think that the dress code effects girls more than it does boys because in most cases that I’ve seen, girls are getting in trouble for what they are wearing just because some boys don’t know how to be mature. I’ve seen boys wear short shorts all the time but I always see girls getting in trouble for wearing similar shorts. Although I think that some girls do take it too far, I still believe that girls are mostly effected by the dress code,” said Melendez.

In the end, there will always be conflicting opinions on whether school dress code is meant to help or hurt students. So whether you’re still dodging the AP’s in the halls or you’re wearing shorts for the first time at school, this school year is sure to be a stylish one.

About the Contributor
Jaime Zuniga
Jaime Zuniga, ENN Staff