Students, Coaches Prepare for DJMS Track Season.
The track season started on March 4 at Danny Jones MS, with coaches and athletes following COVID-19 protocols.
Ryan Manuel, the coach of the high jump team, said he’s ready for track season.
Manuel said he has been a high-jump track coach for three years. There will be three students on the high-jump team.
“With all the COVID protocols, I don’t know how this year’s track season will go,” he said.
Like many things at school this year, track will be different from previous years.
Coach Stephen Varcardipone said that the track team will have fewer people.
“There will be limited people on the team this year, less teammates because of COVID,” he said.
Coach Jessica Askew is ready for her fifth year of coaching track.
She has been running track since she was in the fourth grade and she loved it so much she wanted to teach other kids how to run as well.
“We will be keeping our mask on at all times and staying six feet as much as possible.”
Students can compete in long-jump, hurdles, and a variety of distanced races.
Seventh-grader Michaela Dazey said she has been doing track since fifth grade, and is excited for this year’s track season.
“There will be less schools attending this year’s track season, and people will be wearing masks, and social distancing as much as possible,” he said. “My goal is to stay safe and do good this track season.”