Incorrect Mask Usage Frustrates Students
Students wearing masks incorrectly can have consequences, and it’s such a common behavior that many students get quarantined regularly. Taking a break outside while keeping masks on and maintaining social distancing would most likely lower cases.
Seventh-grader Janey Chen thinks that people should wear their masks correctly because it can help the school keep cases low. She thinks that if students wear their masks correctly it will do less harm to the community.
“Students should wear their masks because COVID is still around and that they can help the school by not wearing their mask incorrectly,” she said.
Masks are mandatory of students that are in fourth grade up to twelfth grade in MISD
Eighth-grader Gavin Lancaster said people might not be wearing masks properly because they think it’s hard to breathe or uncomfortable.
“A lot of my teachers do wear their mask right, but there are a few that don’t wear their mask right,” he said. “Like some wear their mask on their chin or just have their nose out.”
Mansfield ISD chose to not enforce different solutions to lowering COVID-19 cases that occur almost weekly at Danny Jones, such as having A and B days determining whether or not students are online or in-person.
Eighth-grader Tai Rose said he’s irritated about the careless aspects of students and staff not wearing masks correctly.
“It’s ignorant of those that choose to make up excuses to not wear such a simple thing. Those types of people are what sets us back,” he said. “We’ll never progress if we keep up this act.”