DJMS Library Starts New Podcast
A new podcast at Danny Jones featuring students started Feb. 9, and can be found on the library Canvas page leading to a website on Anchor by Spotify.
Danny Jones librarian Melissa Silerio started the student-led library podcast.
Silerio said that the podcast is something she’s wanted to start for a long while now.
“Honestly this is something that I kinda always wanted to start with students since I came to the library like three years ago,” she said. “I like the idea of students being able to share their voices after listening to teachers talk everyday.”
Silerio really enjoys the experience of making a podcast where students can take the lead.
She said that it’s nice watching the students create the podcast and she hopes it grows in the future.
“I think it’s funny, the stuff they come up with and the little quirks of middle school kids that come out,” Silerio said. “I’m hoping we can grow this little audience and maybe even teachers could play in it.”
Students can find the link for the podcast in the library Canvas course under ‘modules.’
Eighth-grader Ella Beason said they recorded another episode of the podcast around Feb 14.
“I decided to be a part of the episode because I was asked by Victor Fierro and I wanted to be a part of the episode,” she said.
As of now at the start of March there are two episodes out for the Middle School Life Tour.
Matthew McInnis said the first episode of the Middle School Life Tour Podcast is titled “The High’s and Low’s of Virtual Learning.” The second episode is titled,”Middle School Relationships-Are They Worth It?”
“One thing I like about the podcast is that it makes me feel close to the show” McInnis said.
The podcast is run by a group of people who trust each other.
Eighth-grader Drew Busby said that the people were the part he liked about the podcast.
“I like that it was made by a group of people who I can trust,” he said.
The library podcast requires a lot of work to give an adequate amount of entertainment.
Busby said that the amount of work put into creating episodes of the podcast takes days.
“We record on Monday, and edit it over the course of a week,” he said.