Fashion: A Factor of Identity
Many people have a pair of sneakers or a sweater that they consider top fashion. Fashion can be interpreted in different forms such as hairstyles, accessories, and the way people wear their clothing.
Art comes in many different forms like music, theater, cinema, and more commonly fashion. Many interpret art as an expression of one’s feelings and imagination. Senior, Landon Grider explains how fashion and art are similar.
“Fashion and art correlate because fashion is art. It’s something that people use to express themselves in multiple ways. Not only visually, but also internally. I think that’s what art provides the opportunity for,” says Grider.
Fashion is a form of art and uses shapes, forms, and different materials. Senior, Jenae Gulley says that fashion and art are both ways to express yourself.
“Fashion and art are both very similar because you can express yourself the same way you can with your art. Art is all about expressing yourself and that’s what fashion is,” says Gulley.
Fashion has changed over the years. Social media such as TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube are some of the popular social media platforms that influence fashion trends. Many fashion trends are resurfacing such as Y2K and 90’s clothing style. These styles have made an appearance in 2022 throughout various generations of dressers. Freshman, Ishraq Tibrijc explains how social media influences his clothing style.
“I personally use a lot of social media and famous people from Instagram to help pick out my outfits. Sometimes when I see clothes that are trending, like cargo pants, that’s when I want to get them,” say Tibrijc.
Senior, Malachi Noye-Wrhit explains how he believes social media has a poor influence on fashion trends.
“I do see some false representation of fashion on social media, like people not knowing how to dress. Influencers are making styles trend, that shouldn’t be. People who put together pieces of clothes that aren’t meant to go together end up not looking right,” said Noye-Wrhit.
One downside of fashion trends is the concept of “Fast fashion.” Fast fashion can be described as cheap, stylish, mass-produced clothes that have a huge impact on the environment. These garments appeal to shoppers because they are affordable and trendy. However, because they aren’t built to last and quickly go out of style, this clothing is quickly discarded, piling up in landfills. Gulley expresses her issue with fast fashion and how it can be resolved.
“I feel like a lot of the trends that are on social media are a bunch of fast fashion that dies off after a couple months. It just ends up in a wasteland. But I feel like many people take fast fashion as their own style. But there are better ways to do that and you can thrift and create your own style or just buy second hand clothes,” said Gulley.
The history of fashion design begins in Ancient Rome and Ancient Egypt. In these cultures, clothing and fashion were status symbols. Those who were wealthy would wear expensive and stylish garments that were colorful, while those of financial disparity, would wear neutral colors.Their garments were cheap, but useful. In today’s society, most wear their own clothing allowing unique expression. Noye -Wrhit explains how he became interested and involved in fashion.
“I have always been interested in clothes and fashion ever since I was younger. Growing up with my mother, I think clothes have always been a big part of me. Especially with my personality. For me different clothes mean different things. For example colors and styles,” said Noye-Wrhit.
Textile art which can also be known by the terms fiber art or fabric art, is different types of cloth or woven fabric. Some people wouldn’t think of textile or fiber fabric when they initially think of fashion. Here at Lake Ridge, there is a Fiber arts club in which students can learn how to sew, quilt, knit and embroider. Deidre Cline, the sponsor of the Fiber Art club, explains how embroidery and modern day fashion work together.
“A lot of times it’s just coming back to jean jackets with embroidery. When I was growing up, people would embroider jeans and pants pockets and decorate them. The girls who are seniors, decorate their overalls by embroidering them,” said Cline.
Expression through clothing, can be a major factor of one’s identity and their ability to convey a certain image regarding individuality. Many believe the uniqueness and creativity of clothing, is what impacts trends in fashion. Whether on social media or in person, many individuals reveal parts of who they are through the clothing they choose to wear.

- Grade 12 with 4 years of experience.
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