The Toilet Paper Week 9: Thanksgiving Traditions and Black Friday Experiences

“I know that everyone eats like a traditional turkey and stuff, but my family said that we don’t know how to make a traditional American thanksgiving meal, so we just order from the Boston Market. I know it’s not a tradition to other people, but it’s normal to us. I think that’s a little different because I don’t know anyone that buys their entire Thanksgiving dinner. It’s actually pretty good though, and then we always have vietnamese food on the side because my grandparents want it.” Megan Phan, senior, said as she described her thanksgiving traditions. “If you don’t know how to make a Thanksgiving dinner just go to the Boston Market.”

Phan continues on and talks about her black Friday experience,”I was walking by the store, and there was this line. I don’t know what it was for, but then a riot broke out, and someone from the back started punching his way to through to the top. My mom was like nope we’re not going there and dragged me away.”

“With my kids, husband, and I, starting in November we always make a thankful tree. Sometimes it’s different when we make the tree, one time we used the brown paper bags scrunch them up and make a tree out of it, and then we get different color leaves. During the week, during dinner each family member writes down what they are thankful for that day, and we just add to the tree every time and by the time Thanksgiving rolls around we see how much the tree has grown. I love thanksgiving because you get to remember what you’re thankful for and appreciate those blessings that we have.” math and SAT/ACT Prep teacher, Ms. Neelley said.

Senior, Avery Chen describes her black friday experience, “I went to Kohl’s like 3 years ago. Whenever the doors opened, it was just insane, everyone ran from the front of the store to the back. By the we got what we wanted the line was like literally around the store to check out, so we had to wait there for an hour and a half.”

“I really just have the same traditions as everyone else and visit my family. I go with my parents and sister and drive to Louisiana to see my grandparents, uncle, and aunt,” Spanish teacher, Ms. Mohler said. “I never go black Friday shopping, I just shop online because I am fearful of what will I happen if I do go.”



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