A Letter to Lake Ridge

Dear Lake Ridge,

Each year we hope that our newspaper improves not just only for us, but for you too. Our purpose is to inform you of everything going on at Lake Ridge, in Mansfield, and in the rest of the world. We want to bring you not only current news but accurate news. We strive to keep you informed, as well as continue to earn your trust with each article we publish.

As editor, my goal is to make sure we present you with the best newspaper possible. This is only our third year to have a newspaper, and in those three years we have undergone a number of changes. However I am quite confident in our staff and the direction we are headed. I am excited to see all they will accomplish this year.

Thank you so much for sticking with us. We want to make this newspaper the best it can be for you.


Whitney Steed, ENN Editor-in-Chief