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Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

Alloway Returns to the Nest

Alloway Returns to the Nest

Nour Karajeh, ENN Staff May 15, 2020

As the school year comes to a close, a new addition has been made to the Lake Ridge family, only this change isn’t completely new. Former Lake Ridge teacher and coach, Ashley Alloway, will be returning...

Olivia Thompson first met her teacher, John Sohel, in middle school in his Theatre class.

For Six Years

Margo Eugenio, Editor-In-Chief May 14, 2020

A new school year brings about many new things: new school supplies, new classmates, and a couple of new teachers. However, seemingly like something straight out of Boy Meets World with Mr.Feeny, one student...

The 2019-2020 school year brought on many iconic pop culture moments.

Pop Culture Phenomenon

Natalie Mitchell, ENN Staff May 8, 2020

The 2019-2020 school is coming to an end later this month, and many memories and moments have been made on the school grounds. In the pop culture world, many moments have also been made that have impacted...

Flipping the Signs and Opening Doors

Flipping the Signs and Opening Doors

May 5, 2020

For many states across the US, the stay at home order expires April 30th and allows other businesses to open at a reduced capacity. States like Texas, Georgia, and Florida have already opened up beaches...

Grade Check

Grade Check

Kierstin Wood, ENN Staff May 3, 2020

Even though the schools are shut down, students still have to do their school work. Grades are still being entered into skyward and teachers are still teaching. Freshman, Tia Warsop  says that her grades...

During this quarantine, students have had to look at alternative methods to celebrate their birthdays.

Celebrating Birthdays Six Feet Apart

Kayla Thompson, ENN Staff May 3, 2020

Tiny moments of joy, like blowing out candles with family and friends, opening presents, and celebrating birthdays are not only important, but they may be critical to holding on to any sense of normalcy...

During quarantine, students have had to find alternative methods to celebrate Ramadan.

Ramadan is Here

Nour Karajeh, ENN Staff May 1, 2020

In Christianity, there are holidays like Christmas and Easter, and in Judaism, there’s Hanukkah and Passover. Similarly, in Islam, there is Eid-Al Adha, Eid-Al Fitr, and Ramadan. The biggest holiday...

Blackfishing : Live Your Truth

Blackfishing : Live Your Truth

Robert Viray-Edwards, ENN Staff May 1, 2020

Blackfishing: Commonly perpetrated by females of European descent, involves artificial tanning and the use of makeup to manipulate various facial features in order to appear to have some type of Black...

As May 4th approaches, Star Wars fans anticipate the much awaited Star Wars Day.

In a Galaxy Far, Far Away

Natalie Mitchell, ENN Staff May 1, 2020

“May the ‘fourth’ be with you,” Star Wars fans all around the world celebrate May 4th as their own holiday, Star Wars Day. Website, Columbus Dispatch, states that the phrase, popularly said on...

High school can be an awkward time for students to figure out who they want to be.

Finding Individuality in High School

Madison Freeman, ENN Staff May 1, 2020

High school can be a hard time in a person's life. It’s a time where many people are just starting to figure out who they are. It can be hard to express one's individuality because of social norms, trends,...

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