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Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

All content by Brianna Villatoro
Thomas Andrews (left) and Fabian Olguin (right) at the driving range before the tournament starts

Golf Swings Into A New Season

Brianna Villatoro, ENN Staff
October 5, 2016

The Lake Ridge Golf Team is getting ready for a new season. After competing in their first tournament, the  team is doing many things to be prepared for a triumphant season. “We work on putting and...

JROTC Destination: Fort Hood

JROTC Destination: Fort Hood

Brianna Villatoro, ENN Staff
October 4, 2016

The JROTC program at Lake Ridge High School has expanded throughout the years. Each serving class goes on a field trip . On Thursday, Sept. 15, the group travelled to an Army base in Fort Hood, Texas. Jerome...

Backpacks with school supplies that belong to students.

What’s in your bag? Freshmen v.s. Seniors

Brianna Villatoro, ENN Staff
September 16, 2016

Packing for your freshman year and senior year are a little different. As a freshmen you make sure to get everything on the printed supply list and actually stress over on what type of notebook to get,...

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