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Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

Mack Torres

Mack Torres, ENN Staff

All content by Mack Torres
Photo Credit: Hannah Brock

Winners Are Not Losers

Mack Torres, ENN Staff
November 28, 2018

You don't want to be a quitter, they never make it. A quote many parents have uttered to their kids. Though it is questionable if quitting can make you a loser. Steve Jobs dropped out of college, it was...

Mom I need a Mum!

Mom I need a Mum!

Mack Torres, ENN Staff
October 23, 2018

'Tis the season of mums. Homecoming is a tradition that goes back to the early 19th century. Homecoming's purpose was to invite returning alumni back to their school. However in Texas, homecoming...

Courtesy of Google Images

Making the Future Leaders of America

Mack Torres, ENN Staff
October 11, 2018

With the next generation of voters around the corner, will America be educated enough to keep the country running? Voters hold a huge responsibility in their hands, determining the future in the way the...

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