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Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

Rebecca Rios

Rebecca Rios, Editor in Chief – Newspaper

–   Grade 11 with 3 years of experience.

My name is Rebecca Rios, and I’m the Editor in Chief for Newspaper! I joined this program because I love writing, and this gives me a chance to better my skills. I’m so excited for this year, and I hope I can help everyone feel comfortable and be successful in Newspaper.

All content by Rebecca Rios
Amber Abrego

Cooking It Up

Rebecca Rios, Editor in Chief – Newspaper
May 14, 2024

From long practices to competitions, culinary requires a lot of dedication and energy. Junior Amber Abrego, who has had a passion for the culinary arts since she was young, has put in hours of work to...

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Burning Energy

Rebecca Rios, Editor in Chief – Newspaper
May 6, 2024

From tests to essays to projects, students tend to be loaded up with work at the end of the year as classes cover their last topics and review for final exams. The heavy workload often results in students...

Courtesy of Google Images.

Inflated Economy

Rebecca Rios, Editor in Chief – Newspaper
April 7, 2024

Inflation has caused prices to rise steadily throughout the years, causing many people to struggle to provide for themselves. From housing to gas to groceries, high prices have left many people unable...

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A Parent’s Role

Rebecca Rios, Editor in Chief – Newspaper
March 25, 2024

With many different ways of parenting, children are given various tools to grow and develop. From overbearing to uninvolved, the way adults parent their children often has long-lasting effects on their...

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The AP Path

Rebecca Rios, Editor in Chief – Newspaper
February 28, 2024

When considering AP courses, it’s necessary to weigh the positives and negatives before coming to a final decision. Taking into account upcoming life decisions, such as what college to go to, and career...

All the seniors together at senior night.

A Striking Passion

Rebecca Rios, Editor in Chief – Newspaper
February 12, 2024

Crashing pins and cheering players add to an intense environment as bowling teams compete for a chance to go to state. Through matches and practices, the team has developed a close bond with each other...

Courtesy of ENN Staff

A New Act

Rebecca Rios, Editor in Chief – Newspaper
January 31, 2024

Last semester, theater teachers Cara Cook and Jill Baker took a final bow on Lake Ridge stages. They made the tough decision to leave the school, allowing new teachers Holly Henao and Sharon Hallmark,...

Singing To State

Singing To State

Rebecca Rios, Editor in Chief – Newspaper
December 14, 2023

Choir has always pushed students to be the best they can be and accomplish their goals, inspiring many to try out for the all-state choir. TMEA, the Texas Music Educators Association, sets up the auditions...

Eagle Elite team; courtesy of Photo Journalism.

Dancing with the Stars

Rebecca Rios, Editor in Chief – Newspaper
November 29, 2023

The Eagle Elite are an involved dance team of the community, who perform at football games, basketball games, and pep rallies. With all the hard work comes a lot of excitement as they partake in fun events...

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Celebrity Stalkers

Rebecca Rios, Editor in Chief – Newspaper
November 10, 2023

From Taylor Swift to Harry Styles, celebrities have become idols to many people around the world. Their popularity has caused many to become die-hard fans and practically worship the ground these celebrities...

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Ghosts And Ghouls Everywhere

Rebecca Rios, Editor in Chief – Newspaper
October 23, 2023

The question of whether ghosts are real or not has been around for centuries. People have had ghost stories to tell all throughout history, but the debate as to whether they truly exist or not continues...

Staff advisory canvas page; courtesy of ENN Staff.

Advancing Advisory

Rebecca Rios, Editor in Chief – Newspaper
September 15, 2023

This school year, advisory has changed from occurring during a student’s third and seventh period to being its own independent ‘class.’ Teachers and students are expected to use this time to partake...

Technological Takeover

Technological Takeover

Rebecca Rios, Editor in Chief – Newspaper
May 15, 2023

For most people, technology has been a beneficial tool that makes everyday life easier. While technology has been able to help multiple people, becoming too reliant on technology has slowly become an issue. Communication...

Testing The Limits

Testing The Limits

Rebecca Rios, Editor in Chief – Newspaper
April 26, 2023

Chances are if you have taken the SAT, English teacher Amy Markan has had something to do with it. For a little over two years, Markan wrote and edited questions for the test while taking a break from...

Speaking Double

Speaking Double

Rebecca Rios, Editor in Chief – Newspaper
April 6, 2023

Only about 43 percent of the population is bilingual, meaning they can speak two languages. This ability gives them a better understanding of these cultures, more opportunities, and the chance to connect...

Lake Ridge Swimmer working hard at a recent swim meet. Photo courtesy of Tyler Quissenberry (ENN Staff).

Serving Up The Spring Sports

Rebecca Rios, Editor in Chief – Newspaper
February 28, 2023

Lake Ridge offers a wide variety of sports, and while most of these sports get recognition, there are some that go unacknowledged or are lesser known by the students. Golf is a sport that most students...

The Game of Life

The Game of Life

Rebecca Rios, Editor in Chief – Newspaper
February 10, 2023

For most students in high school the pressure to be prepared for life and college is constantly weighing on their shoulders. Facing the future can be difficult, especially when having to make choices at...

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Read All About It

Rebecca Rios, Editor in Chief – Newspaper
January 26, 2023

High school is a complicated time for most people. Navigating through drama, relationships, and figuring out who you are doesn’t make it easy. Finding your way through literature is a great way to help...

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