Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

Purrfect Bonds

Purrfect Bonds

Dawn Reaume, ENN Staff May 15, 2023

In Ancient Egypt, Egyptians knelt down before small creatures, treating them as gods as they smothered them with expensive trinkets and royal treats. In response, they would be granted ‘good luck,’...

Writing With The Past

Writing With The Past

Dawn Reaume, ENN Staff April 26, 2023

With a watchful eye, Creative Writing Teacher, George Olsen, has served as a mentor to keenful students, to help navigate them upon the twisty path that is creative writing. Yet, the journey which led...

Craving Courses

Craving Courses

Dawn Reaume, ENN Staff March 8, 2023

The discovery of one’s dream class can be exciting, accomplished, and desirable. However, what does one do if it is not offered? Currently, Lake Ridge offers various core courses, as well as a wide selection...

Lake Ridge yearbook student prepares to watch a Disney film. Photo courtesy of Tyler Quisenberry (ENN Staff)

Magical Sequels Await

February 28, 2023

Disney, known as the company where dreams come to reality, is known for its theme-parks, movies, and most prominently, its animated classics. Their movies have made a mark on multiple generations, spanning...

Remains of an overgrown fort in Alderney. Overgrown Fort by Tom Colls is licensed under  CC BY 2.0

Look For The Light

Dawn Reaume, ENN Staff February 10, 2023

In a fungus-infected landscape, survivors are clinging onto life with every ounce of their soul. A man, whose heart has been crumbling over the two decades since the apocalypse, searches for reparation...

Illustration of human head with a brain; using multiple different colors. Artificial General Intelligence Illustration by David S. Soriano is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Artificially Unknown

Dawn Reaume, ENN Staff January 20, 2023

Artificial Intelligence, better known as AI, has seemed to lie on the edge of fantasy and reality for quite some time. It is defined as the simulation of human intelligence by machines and specific computer...

CMAP - Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées de lEcole polytechnique - généalogie de Galton-Watson ou modèle de Galton-Watson

The Perspectives on Exemptions

Dawn Reaume, ENN Staff December 15, 2022

The semester is coming to a close and students will resign themselves to the winter holidays. However, they must first complete the obstacle of finals. According to the MISD Student Handbook, each semester...

The Boiling Isles Is Coming to an End

The Boiling Isles Is Coming to an End

Dawn Reaume, ENN Staff November 3, 2022

Beloved show, ‘The Owl House’ is being canceled by Disney, with only three 40 minute long episodes for its finale. The show is about a girl named Luz entering a door that brings her to ‘The boiling...

While the horror industry in America and the world has its similarities, there are still some differences between the two.

Foreign Horror VS U.S Horror

Dawn Reaume, ENN Staff October 31, 2022

In the season of Halloween, when ghoulish spirits are high, people around the globe are consuming horror media. Horror can be portrayed through movies, books, and even myths, yet there may be some integral...

Dungeons on The Roll

Dungeons on The Roll

Dawn Reaume, ENN Staff October 4, 2022

Students can embark on quests filled with immersive worlds, unearthly creatures, and fantasy beyond imagination, with the addition of the D&D Club at Lake Ridge. The club is based around the popular...

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