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Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

Exchange Students at Lake Ridge

Exchange Students at Lake Ridge

Ishrat Madiha, Editor in Chief - Newspaper November 16, 2021

Lake Ridge’s diversity is not unheard of but adding to that variety in cultures is exchange students. These students bring little parts of the world right here, to this school. Exchange students schooling...

Andris Conley throws her color powder at Mani Martin Sept 23 on the Danny Jones football field.  
 Students who raised enough money for the Danny Jones fundraiser got to leave their 7th and 8th period clases to participate in the Color Battle,  where they played games and threw packs of colored powder at each other.

Students Get Messy at Color Battle

The Color Battle fundraiser that took place at Danny Jones Middle School during the weeks of Sept. 13 and Sept. 20. The purpose was to raise money for the school. Students earned prizes for contributing...

Eagle Media Camp Registration

Eagle Media Camp Registration

November 9, 2021

Eagle Media Camp Registration Link

LR on Lockdown

LR on Lockdown

Nour Karajeh, ENN Staff November 5, 2021

‘LOCKDOWN LOCKDOWN!’ the announcements screamed, trying to keep their students safe from such an unpredicted incident. Students rushed to the corners of their classrooms for safety as loud bangs filled...

Administration and faculty all worked together to help parents pick up their children on that October day.

A Day In The Life

Ryley Anthony, Editor-In-Chief November 4, 2021

On October 6th 2021, the students and staff of MISD experienced a terrifying and violent incident. The incident specifically took place at Timberview High School, but as a close community, the entire school...

Lake Ridge Reaction to Timberview incident

Lake Ridge Reaction to Timberview incident

Carly Garcia, ENN Staff November 4, 2021

People hear about school shootings all the time but when it happens at a school just a couple of miles away from their school's campus, it tends to hit a little harder. On October 6th, 2021 MISD was hit...

MISD parents shared their thoughts and worries about the incident at Timberview.

Through the Eyes of Parents

Madison Freeman, ENN Staff November 4, 2021

The events at Timberview have had a large impact on students, staff, and parents alike. While everyone was affected differently by the shooting, many felt nervous and afraid during the events that occurred...

In light of recent events bullying has become a topic of conversation. But what makes a bully act the way they do?

The Psychology Behind a Bully

Robert Viray-Edwards, ENN Staff November 4, 2021

On Wednesday, October 6th, Mansfield Timberview High School was involved in an incident that affected the lives of the community. The situation occurred after a fight broke out between the alleged gunman...

With an influx of rumors after the Timberview shooting, ENN investigated what makes a person need to spread a rumor.

Why We Need Rumors

Christin Campbell, ENN Staff November 4, 2021

In a society where instant gratification prevails, many turn to information that is easy and accessible in order to gain knowledge or comfort. According to those at the American Psychological Foundation,...

Timberview students shared their reaction to the events of October 6th.

Timberview Student Reactions

Lilianne Asokwah, ENN Staff November 2, 2021

On Wednesday, October 6, 2021, Timberview High School was faced with a situation we've all grown to fear: a school shooting. The shooting left students in dismay and shock, wondering how this could ever...

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