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Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

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Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

All content by Carly Garcia
Seniors Earn A Dub At The Puff

Seniors Earn A Dub At The Puff

Carly Garcia, ENN Staff
April 27, 2022

Set hut! The senior class earned a victory at the first ever powderpuff football game in Lake Ridge history. The seniors competed against the juniors while the sophomores took on the freshmen. The game...

Cheer vs. Drill

Cheer vs. Drill

Carly Garcia, ENN Staff
April 11, 2022

5-6-7-8! The cheer team and drill team have a wide array of things in common and both get to cheer on Lake Ridge. While the cheer team excites the student section during games, the drill team entertains...

Splashing into State!

Splashing into State!

Carly Garcia, ENN Staff
March 10, 2022

Did someone say state? The Lake Ridge swim went to state where they partook in multiple different races and events. During state the swimmers have to be careful about with everything they do so slower...

Love Is In The Air

Love Is In The Air

Carly Garcia, ENN Staff
February 9, 2022

Valentine's Day is a holiday that comes every year on the 14th of February which represents couples and loved ones celebrating their love together. The holiday has a few different traditions such as going...

Courtesy of Yearbook

Back To School After The Holidays!

Carly Garcia, ENN Staff
January 25, 2022

'Just five more minutes and then I'll get up.' Everyone has their own way of getting up for school but after the holiday's everyone seems to have a hard time wanting to go back to school. After two whole...

Students have found new ways to keep themselves entertained while catching a few Zzz's at school.

Getting Your Zzz’s

Carly Garcia, ENN Staff
December 17, 2021

Try not to get caught sleeping in class, the “lrhs.slumped” instagram sleeping account that was made for the school has been going around with pictures of students and staff asleep during the school...

Black Friday: Deal or No Deal?

Black Friday: Deal or No Deal?

Carly Garcia, ENN Staff
November 26, 2021

Black Friday is the Friday after Thanksgiving, a day where people go out and get good deals at stores. It's an all day event, where some people go out and wait in long lines or choose to do their shopping...

Lake Ridge Reaction to Timberview incident

Lake Ridge Reaction to Timberview incident

Carly Garcia, ENN Staff
November 4, 2021

People hear about school shootings all the time but when it happens at a school just a couple of miles away from their school's campus, it tends to hit a little harder. On October 6th, 2021 MISD was hit...

School Dress Code

School Dress Code

Carly Garcia, ENN Staff
September 29, 2021

The dress code has become a problem at school lately and some students believe it isn't fair. Our dress code policy consists of no bandanas, no leggings if the shirt isn't past fingertip length, no ripped...

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