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Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

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Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

Mansfield Lake Ridge High School's Eagle Media Website

Eagle Media

Ashton Blackwell

Ashton Blackwell, ENN Staff

All content by Ashton Blackwell
Band members in Boston

Boston Meets The Band

Ashton Blackwell, ENN Staff
May 2, 2018

This past weekend, a portion of the Lake Ridge band took a trip far beyond the band hall that they thrive in. Flying to the seaside city of seafood and landmarks, students embarked on quite the elaborate...

A Magical Trip Yet To Come

A Magical Trip Yet To Come

Ashton Blackwell, ENN Staff
April 10, 2018

Lake Ridge's Choir has big plans within the next few weeks, to take on the "happiest place on earth". Disney World awaits Lake Ridge's most talented voices, as they prepare for their over one thousand...

An Academic and Athletic All-Star

An Academic and Athletic All-Star

Ashton Blackwell, ENN Staff
March 29, 2018

While the term student-athlete may describe many students within Lake Ridge, sophomore, Aaron Libed takes this title to a new level. Being at top of his class and a state-qualifying swimmer, Libed represents...

Student Survives Death

Student Survives Death

Ashton Blackwell, ENN Staff
March 23, 2018

On January 19th, a thirteen year old boy collapsed among his classmates at Danny Jones, and fell completely unresponsive. He was considered dead for five minutes. Eighth grader Jeffrey Cotton remained...

Top Things To Do In Mansfield

Top Things To Do In Mansfield

Ashton Blackwell, ENN Staff
February 27, 2018

Although Mansfield is a relatively small city, consisting of mainly restaurant chains and urgent cares, there are many hidden opportunities for fun within its borders. Whether you prefer an outdoor adventure,...

On the left Hannah Hurt, Dawson Kim. 
             On the right Megan Hinojosa

The Voices That Go Unspoken

Ashton Blackwell, ENN Staff
February 2, 2018

A citizen. A teenager. A student. A voice. As a person enrolled in Lake Ridge High school, each student is given countless opportunities to make or suggest the changes they wish to see. With the power...

lights featured in Prairie Lights

Lights That Are Making Spirits Bright

Ashton Blackwell, ENN Staff
December 14, 2017

The magical sight of lights glowing all around you, and the enchantment that comes with the massive and lively decorations. Setting up Christmas lights or yard decorations is a tradition that has been...

Rodeo Team Rides to Recognition

Rodeo Team Rides to Recognition

Ashton Blackwell, ENN Staff
December 1, 2017

Imagine a Saturday afternoon consisting of thousand pound animals, high school students, and a cash prize and you will know what it's like to be a member of the MISD Rodeo team. The team competes frequently...

Eagles' Superstitions Lead to Wins

Eagles’ Superstitions Lead to Wins

Ashton Blackwell, ENN Staff
November 16, 2017

The Lake Ridge football team is district champions. While the team has shown a continuous and impressive work ethic on the field over the past few months, there are other unique and unexpected factors...

The Turning Flags That Turn Our Heads

The Turning Flags That Turn Our Heads

Ashton Blackwell, ENN Staff
October 19, 2017

Twirl, toss, catch, rehearse. A routine that has been perfected by the Lake Ridge color-guard. While working with the band to create the best halftime show possible, color-guard leaves no detail untouched....

Cheerleaders encourage the crowd during football game.

On and Off the Mat

Ashton Blackwell, ENN Staff
October 14, 2017

Under the bright lights, with big smiles and blasting voices. A cheerleader's greatest role in any high school is to motivate their team and school. However, even Lake Ridge's biggest encouragers, require...

More Than The Medicine

More Than The Medicine

Ashton Blackwell, ENN Staff
October 2, 2017

Over the summer, sophomore Kayla Danage had the opportunity to take part in the invitation-only Congress of Future Medical Leaders Conference. Located in Boston, Massachusetts, this conference included...

The Meaning Behind The Mum

The Meaning Behind The Mum

Ashton Blackwell, ENN Staff
September 28, 2017

Large flowers, large ribbons, and an even larger receipt. The tradition of creating mums and garters for homecoming is one that is valued no matter what the year is. Short for chrysanthemum, mums have...

Open For a Surprise!

Open For a Surprise!

Ashton Blackwell, ENN Staff
September 15, 2017

Tap, refresh, retweet, like, repeat. The constant interactions within Twitter, by its estimated 974 million users, are what many of today's youth thrive in. Recently, Twitter has been brimming with the...

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